dijous, 17 d’octubre del 2013


The other day I went to the bank to do some things from work. In the bank there were a lot of people, as usual. There were people in the cash, people im the queve... When I was waitting for my turn, suddenly two strange man went came into the bank, and after two more. Finally, I finished my work in the bank and went out. At the night, when I was cooking and watching TV I saw that when I went out of the bank, The four men that were there with me, where thieves. This news surprice me because I was there at the same time that the thieves, and I left the bank just before the theft occurred.

dijous, 10 d’octubre del 2013


Today I get up at eight o'clock because I go a class in Castelló d'Empúries at nine o'clock. I get up, get dressed, do my breakfast and I go to Castelló d'Empúries. After an infinite hour of maths I return to my house. My mother works hard, for this reason I try to help her in the house. My mother and sister go to hospital in Figueras with my grandad. I continue doing thing in the house. When they arrive, my mum go to work. After lunch, I do my TDR before going to work. I'm a babysitter. After a long walk with Pol, the baby, I go with his mother, Lourdes. When It's closing time, I go a little time to a bar with a friend and after I go home for diner. I have dinner with my dad, my sister and my grandad. Finally I watch TV and go to sleep.  

dimarts, 8 d’octubre del 2013


The story that I'm going to tell you is something that happened in my vilage Castelló d'Empúries. One day a man who is 34 years old, aproximatley, jumped into a house to steal some Marihuana plants. In this house there were a lot of plants and he thought that if he took some plants, the proprietor of the house and plants wouldn't realise. But when he jumped out the house, the propietor saw him and said: "If you enter again and steal my more plants I'm going to killed you"
The thief didn't take any notice and another day he returned to the house, the propietorsaw him and kill him. The dead body was thrown to the River Muga. The dead body was discovered earlier while the woman was walking the dog.