diumenge, 11 de maig del 2014

Formal Letter

128 Olivera Street
4th April 2014
Mr President, Rajoy
428 Carmençó street

Dear Mr President,

I am Marina Salinas and I am writing to you to express my opinion about the abortion law.
I think that we are going back in time, this law was abolished a long time ago, when society understood that women had rights as men. I believe that it is very sad that this law will be accepted one more time in the 21st century because in my view, women can decide about their bodies and nobody can take this right away.

We are talking about human rights, they can not be violated, so as a women I talk with experience because when I was 16 I get pregnant and I could abort. When I look back and think if I could not do this, my life would be distroyed, with 16 one does not know anything about life yet.

Yours sincerily;

Marina Salinas

dissabte, 10 de maig del 2014


When you were here before             Quan tu estaves aqeí abans
couldn't look you in the eye              no vaig poder mirarte als ulls
you're just like an angel                    Ets com un àngel
your skin makes me cry                     La teva pell em fa plorar
you float like a feather                      Flotes com una ploma
in a beautiful world                           En un món preciós
i wish i was special                           Desitjaria ser especial
you're so fuckin' special                    Tu ets tan especial
but i'm a creep, i'm a weirdo.           Però sóc estrany, sóc rar
what the hell am i doing here?        Que dimonis faig aquí?
i don't belong here.                          Jo no pertanyo aquí
I don't care if it hurts                         No m'importa si fa mal
i want to have control                       Jo vull tenir el control
i want a perfect body                        Vull un cos perfecte
i want a perfect soul                         Vull una ànima perfecte
i want you to notice                          Vull que te n'adonis
when i'm not around                        Quan jo no sigui per aquí
you're so fuckin' special                   Ets tan especial
i wish i was special                          Desirtjaria ser especial
But i'm a creep, i'm a weirdo.          Però sóc estrany, sóc rar
what the hell am i doing here?       Que dimonis faig aquí?
i don't belong here.                         Jo no pertanyo aquí
She's running out again,                 Ella corre un altre cop
she's running out                             Ells surt corrents
she's run run run running out...       Ella corre, corre, corre...
Whatever makes you happy            Qualsevol cosa que et faci feliz
whatever you want                          Qualsevol cosa que desitgis
you're so fuckin' special                  Ets tan especial
i wish i was special...                      Desirtjaria ser especial
But i'm a creep, i'm a weirdo,         Però sóc estrany, sóc rar
what the hell am i doing here?       Que dimonis faig aquí?
i don't belong here.                         Jo no pertanyo aquí
i don't belong here.                         Jo no pertanyo aquí

divendres, 9 de maig del 2014

Falling in love

Nowadays, teenagers, above all people arround eighteen years old, are more mature than younger generations because we have more experiemce in feelings.
One of these feelings is to be in love. In general, we have the view that love always brings us happiness, for example: we are more happy, we give and recieve love, we have the confiance that th other person will always be with us. In ahort, we always have a reason to go on:
However, not everything is positive, love has a lot of troubles. Firstly, the other person can distract us of our way. Secondly, it could be that one in the couple depends on the oter member and this fact can decrease your self steem.
To sum up, we need to know our feelings and have there clear so as not to destroy us. If we can do this, we can enjoy the most beautiful feeling.