divendres, 9 de maig del 2014

Falling in love

Nowadays, teenagers, above all people arround eighteen years old, are more mature than younger generations because we have more experiemce in feelings.
One of these feelings is to be in love. In general, we have the view that love always brings us happiness, for example: we are more happy, we give and recieve love, we have the confiance that th other person will always be with us. In ahort, we always have a reason to go on:
However, not everything is positive, love has a lot of troubles. Firstly, the other person can distract us of our way. Secondly, it could be that one in the couple depends on the oter member and this fact can decrease your self steem.
To sum up, we need to know our feelings and have there clear so as not to destroy us. If we can do this, we can enjoy the most beautiful feeling. 

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