dimarts, 5 de novembre del 2013


This news talks about the difficulties of the elephant herds that lost adults to cull during the 1970s and 1980s. According to Karen Mc Comb, social understanding had been impaired by the loss of adults, this is the first evidence that fundament social skills may be significantly impaired by man-made disruption.The researches compared the behaviour of two herds of elephants, one of them have been relatively undisturbed by culling operations and the other was made up of young orphaned elephants after management culls of adult and older juvenile animals. There is alredy evidence that the loss of these adult elephants had dramatic social consequences. 
In my view I believe that these culls are really harmful to the development of the herds of elephants because if the elephants can't be related among themselves can be the end of these species, because they can't defended each other. 

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