dimecres, 27 de novembre del 2013


Hello, good morning, we are Julia and Judith and now I will talk about Humor.
To begin with I will ask you if you know what humor is?  Humor is the quality that makes something laughable or amusing.
Humor is really important in our lifes because it helps us to deal with the difficult moments. Apart from this laughing it’s very important for everyone, doctors discovered that optimistic people live longer than others, and of course a happier life is better than miserable life.
This title that we have wrote here “Laugh for not cry” it’s a popular topic that people say when they are sad or in a bad situation and they want to face problems with optimism.
Most of the people don't want to express their sad feelings, so they laugh to hide their real feelings.
We have searched in internet opinions of different people about why they like to make other people laugh. We have found an interesting answer from a boy, he said that he likes to make laugh because he loves to see other people happy. When he sees someone sad the first thing he does is trying to make him smile, what this boy does it by telling them his problems with optimism so they don’t feel that they are alone.
In conclusion he said that he wouldn’t be happy if he couldn’t make other people laugh.
With this example we can see that majority of humans are happier if they have people to love and be aprecied from others, too, a person needs to be loved by others.
Now we will show you different types of humor that we can utilize, there are lots.
We will explain you a few examples:
Types of humor :
-Whitemood: this type of humor is driven by surprise factors
-Hacker mood: this humor is exclusive for informatics experts, they usually enter in codes of official pages and do jokes for companies and others.
-Crudemood: This is characterized by producing laughter from the shame of others
-Black mood: tries to make people laugh from death issues and similars
- Green mood: however, is linked to sexuality and often touching obscenity.
Finally we will center our project in an absurd mood, to make this presentacion a little bit more funny we tell you 3 different areas where people can uploade videos and show you examples.
The absurdmood is mainly doing absurd things (as the name says) to make fun on others
The different areas we will show your are: youtube, ads and funny movies.
This is an internet space where people can upload videos, there are many people that put funny videos to make other people laugh and to be a little more popular.
Here is an example from a girl who has become really famous by loading her funny videos in internet.
Sometimes the videos can be thematic and talk about issues that concern the majority and laugh about them. We could say that it would be an optimistic view of things.
youtuber: one who spends much time uploading youtube videos that they have made.
The advertisement is to sell a product, service, company or character. Take the idea of ​​getting immersed in the minds of consumers and make them believe that they are offering to buy it.
One of their strategies is to make absurd ads to capt the atencion of the consumers, for example the coca-cola ad
How we have seen this ad has nothing related to cocacola it only tries to be funny.
Doing this they capt a lot of consumers. Another thing what they do a lot is creating a simple mealody in which sticks to people.
In the adult movies the main resourse to make people laugh is when the characters go wrong or go to anunconfortable situation.
On the other hand in the kids movies they use imaginary characters and make them look stupid and they include parts where the characters sing and dance in ridiculous ways.
Now we can watch a pice of film Madagascar.
To conclude our presentacion we think that life is really hard but if we take it with humor it will be easier and we will be happier.

In general, I think that we have a good job with this oral presentation. We have always tried to look to the public and focus well our voices. We have tried to pronunce as best as possible to make it easier to understand. I personally would be more relaxed so, I speak more fluidly. But as I said before, Overall presentation was good. 

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