divendres, 31 de gener del 2014


Hello, good morning I’m Judith Sevillano and I’m going to talk about my research work called: The Grands mother’s remedies. 
At first It wasn’t clear witch topic to choose to do my research work. I only knew that I wanted to be something to do with biology because is one of my favorite subjects and related to what I would like to do in the future. Looking through some different proposers of biology department I came across this topic “the grand mother’s remedies”.  
The objective of my work were the following:
  •  Find out wich plants were used as medicinal plants.
  • Look for information to get to know the most used plants and its active principals. 
  • To check to see if the composition in some of the present medicine include some of these plants. 
My biggest problem was to find out people who could still remember the remedies that their ancestors used and how they mixed and prepared them. I structured my work in the following way.
  • Pytotherapy: The finality of this work was to use this medicinal plants for curative purposes and in this way to have a good base to develop later on the rest of the work. 
  • Plants used in the municipality of Castelló d’Empúries: In here we find a table where there are all the plants used by the citizens of Castelló. Inside those we will find the corresponding graphics.
  • The most use plants: Among the most used plants are: Elder, Thyme and Verbena.
  • Preparation: Among the most uses preparation were:         
  • Preparation step by step: here is where I explain step by step each one of this preparation
  • Uses: In this case there are multiple but one of the main ones if for cough.
  • The most used parts: are leaves and flowers.
  • Technical file for the plants: In this file we will find the five most use plants in this municipality. Where you will find the history of their use, with a small description of active principals and the use in the present moment.
  • Traditional and present use: In this file I have compared the use with where given by the village women and the way that the medicine I use in the actuality. 
  • Conclusion: At last, the conclusions. The pytotherapy has been losing importance through the times as the science has develop greatly and the methods of healing have changeMany of medicine plants, nowadays aren’t use but it is evident that without the knowledge of our ancestors we wouldn’t have arrived to the present medicinal conclusions. 

In general I think that everything went pretty well. I was quite nervous at the beginning but through the time I ended relaxed. I have always tried to look to the public and focus well my voice. I hope they likeed and whch have not been bored. 

diumenge, 12 de gener del 2014

Peces Raros

Peces Raros is a music rock band from Argentina. I know about them because I knew some of the members personaly. The members of Peces Raros are: Gabi Chacon, Lucio Consolo, Benja Riderelli and Marco Viera.  This band is just begning, they are starting from bottom but I'm sure that they will soon reach the top. I know that they work very hard to achieve their dream and all of their efforts will be rewarded. 
I know Marco and Benja. Marco was the first that I knew, he came here with two more friends two years ago. They were on holliday and I met him by chance, because he stopped me to ask where the beach was. From there we became very good friends and nowadays we are still in contact. 
With Benja was different, he came here with his familly and he decided to met me because Marco spoke really good about me and he wanted to meet me. I could only see him one day, but it was a great day.
In general, It was a great experience to know them and I hope that one day I can go to see them in Argentina because there are really good people.


This year I went with my family to Venecia on holiday. Our first impression was that Venice looked like a maze because the streets are really narrow. When we arrive it was approximately 8 o'clock in the evening and it was dark, we didn't know where we had to go and it was really difficult to find the hotel. 
In general I liked everithing I visited there. There are a lot of nice and historic monuments and the gondoliers make it seem that you are in another era. 
The most typical things in Venice are the venetian masks, all the shops have them, some of them are really singular but very nice. 
I would like to go there again and spend more time seeing all the things we missed.

Christmas Time

The best time in the year for mi is Christmas Time. I like Christmas because is the perfect excuse to be with all the familly together. I love all the lunches and dinners with all the familly. My cousin is left-handed and I am right-handed, so when we eat next to each other we get in each other's way. We do it on purpose and we race to see who finishes eating first.
It's beautiful to see all the family together and happy. What I like most is to see my little cousins, specialy when some of us dress up as Santa Claus and give them their presents. It's magical.
I really like this time because eaven if it is only for a few days people get together.

Rheumatiod Arthritis

A team of reserchers have found more than 40 new areas in DNA that increase the risk of rheumatoid arthritis. This work is one of the most important ever done. The investigation was made with 30.000 patients and the results were compared with other people not affected with this disorder and were found 42 affected areas that were linked with the disease. The most fascinating for me is that the article say that drugs can be developed to compensate for these problems. 
They believe in the possibility of using the genetics to find other new medicines for complex diseases. 

I hope that all this investigation can be useful to find the cure for this disease and others. I'm really interested in all that refes to medicine and above all genetics. 

70s and 80s games online

The classic 70s and 80s games have become fashionable again. Internet Archive has put these games online and now can be played within a web browser for nothing. The collection has launched  games from five consoles at the moment they haven't got a sound but soon they will introduce sound. 
In the comming months the collection will expand greatly. Make accessible to the world these vintage games allows the enjoyment of those who coudn't enjoy them at that moment. 

In my view I believe that this is a really good proposal to approach young people, that now thery are very interested in all types of video games, from the beginings of all this technology. It's interesting to see how technology has improved in a few years.

Hobbit beats Wolf at US Box Office

The Hobbit has remained a third week on top of the US box office despite competition from The Wolf Of Wall Street. This film has been led by Sherlock Martin Freeman and Benedict Cumberbatch. 
The film took 30 millon dollars during the week and 190 million dollars at the weekend.
Martin Scorsese's Wolf of Wall Street was the biggest new release, at five. The black comedy is based on stock broker Jordan Belfort's memoir. The protagonist of this film was Leonardo DiCaprio. Even so, (not raised) as much money as in Hobbit. 
It's normal for me that the Hobbit got more money than Wolf of Wall Street because Hobbit it's related with The Lord Of The Rings and these films have always a lot of following has it didn't raise.

Michael Schumacher "fighting for life" after ski accident

Michael Schumacher, the seven-time Formula 1 champion, is fighting for his life after a ski accident in the French Alps.
Michael Shumacher remains in a critical conditions in a hospital in Grenoble with head injuries. He underwent surgery on arrival at the University Hospital in Grenoble. Schumacher still is in a coma. "All we can do is wait" doctors say.
When I heard this news, I coudn't believe it. Wherever I listen to something bad happening to someone famous is hard to believe because they are people who don't seem real, and nothing should go wrong with them but in reality they are people like us and suffer in the same way as we do.
I just hope that he recovers and he is able to race again.

Chaparrastique Volcano

Thousands of people in eastern El Salvador are leaving their homes after a volcano erupted on Sunday morning. Whoever that were within 3km radius would be evacuated because after the powerful explosion, the volcano began spewing hot ash and smoke into the air. Temporaly shelters are being set up in the area.
Chaparrastique is the third highest volcano in the country.

Volcanoes are one of the most amazing phenomena for me. There are many types of them and their explotions are different depending on the type and composition. 
I would like to see one but thery are really destructive and if you don't know what are their effects you could suffer their terrible consequences. I hope someday to see one of these nearer.

Breast Implants

Every breast operation in England shall be entered in a new register. This mesure has been taken by the new alarm over sub-standard PIP implants. There are fresh efforts to regulate and end the era of "win a boob-job" competition. 
All this began in France when the French company Poly Implant Prothese sold faulty implants containing sub-standard silicone gel with double the rupture rate of other implants. This caused a huge scandal because more than 300000 women took them implanted. 
With all these, I just arrive to a conclution: I would only have this operation if it was strictly necessary, if I had breast cancer or another disorder. I think that I woudn't have an operation just for esthetics. I am whatever I am and I don't want to change it.