divendres, 31 de gener del 2014


Hello, good morning I’m Judith Sevillano and I’m going to talk about my research work called: The Grands mother’s remedies. 
At first It wasn’t clear witch topic to choose to do my research work. I only knew that I wanted to be something to do with biology because is one of my favorite subjects and related to what I would like to do in the future. Looking through some different proposers of biology department I came across this topic “the grand mother’s remedies”.  
The objective of my work were the following:
  •  Find out wich plants were used as medicinal plants.
  • Look for information to get to know the most used plants and its active principals. 
  • To check to see if the composition in some of the present medicine include some of these plants. 
My biggest problem was to find out people who could still remember the remedies that their ancestors used and how they mixed and prepared them. I structured my work in the following way.
  • Pytotherapy: The finality of this work was to use this medicinal plants for curative purposes and in this way to have a good base to develop later on the rest of the work. 
  • Plants used in the municipality of Castelló d’Empúries: In here we find a table where there are all the plants used by the citizens of Castelló. Inside those we will find the corresponding graphics.
  • The most use plants: Among the most used plants are: Elder, Thyme and Verbena.
  • Preparation: Among the most uses preparation were:         
  • Preparation step by step: here is where I explain step by step each one of this preparation
  • Uses: In this case there are multiple but one of the main ones if for cough.
  • The most used parts: are leaves and flowers.
  • Technical file for the plants: In this file we will find the five most use plants in this municipality. Where you will find the history of their use, with a small description of active principals and the use in the present moment.
  • Traditional and present use: In this file I have compared the use with where given by the village women and the way that the medicine I use in the actuality. 
  • Conclusion: At last, the conclusions. The pytotherapy has been losing importance through the times as the science has develop greatly and the methods of healing have changeMany of medicine plants, nowadays aren’t use but it is evident that without the knowledge of our ancestors we wouldn’t have arrived to the present medicinal conclusions. 

In general I think that everything went pretty well. I was quite nervous at the beginning but through the time I ended relaxed. I have always tried to look to the public and focus well my voice. I hope they likeed and whch have not been bored. 

1 comentari:

  1. Hi Judith I like your research project because is very interesting know that we can use the grands mother's remedies too but now the medice advanced a lot.
