diumenge, 12 de gener del 2014


This year I went with my family to Venecia on holiday. Our first impression was that Venice looked like a maze because the streets are really narrow. When we arrive it was approximately 8 o'clock in the evening and it was dark, we didn't know where we had to go and it was really difficult to find the hotel. 
In general I liked everithing I visited there. There are a lot of nice and historic monuments and the gondoliers make it seem that you are in another era. 
The most typical things in Venice are the venetian masks, all the shops have them, some of them are really singular but very nice. 
I would like to go there again and spend more time seeing all the things we missed.

1 comentari:

  1. Judith :)

    I would have liked to go with you jiijiji. This post reminds me of when we went to Italy two years ago with school, it was a beautiful year, wasn't it?
    Well, I am glad that Venice was well and you have enjoyed.

    See you ugly,
