dijous, 3 d’abril del 2014


Nowadays in the Spanish cities there are plenty of protests. In the last years Spain has gone frombad to worse, politically speaking, and for this reason people protests and show their discontent. Every day there are, all kinds of people, young and old going round with protest slogans witten on placards protesting on the streets. 
I believe that this is a good way to express the displeasure of the workers and students that day by day are suffering cut backs from the politics. I am upset with all the measures concerning with education because, as time passes, our opportinities to accede to university or find work are decreasing and it's really frustrating see how all your work is for nothing. 
I would like to go to some pacific demostrations and see how people try to fight for their rights, find people who fight together for the same reason and thinks, more or less, like you do. In my view I believe that must be a really good experience and really conforting. 

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