dijous, 17 d’abril del 2014

I have lived underwater

Living underwater is seen by some as futuristic utopia, but what's it actually like? Rose Eveleth asks a man who eats, works ans sleeps on the sea floor.The idea of living underwater is often brought up as a possible future for humanity. Some have proposed submerged settlements as a way to preserve civilisation in the event of a global catastrophe, or to avoid overpopulation. Meanwhile, developers are alredy planning submerged hotels in locations including Maldives, Dubai, Singapore and Norway. These developments may one day live up to the romantic notions many have of life beneath the waves, but what's it like to live underwater today?

I was reading this piece of news and... Well I was really surprised that probably, in a future not very far, we can live underwater. The last summer I went to a centre of diving and it was amazing. I can't imagine living day by day underwater. It has to be really exciting. I hope one day I can visit a house underwater and spend a little time there, not forever, but one day or two it would be good. I hope that technology lead us to these new possibilities of life. 


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