dijous, 17 d’abril del 2014

IPCC scientists accused of "marginalising" poor nations

Climate scientists meeting in Berlin have been accused of "marginalising" the view of developing countries. The are preparing to realease a key report on how the world must cut carbon emissions to stem dangerous warming. The narrative, the language, the views of IPCC still marginalises the developing country perspectives. Dr. Okereke believes that there has been a fundamental shift in the discussions because the issue of historical responsability for carbon emissions has been watered down by richer national who are more concerned with the future that the past. 
The argument has been shifting away from the view that the developed countries, who have been mainly responsible for the problem, should take leadership in solving it, to this centre-ground view that we are all in it together and we all have to do our share.

In my view, we have to reduce all the contaminating emitions because is the better fot the world. Developed countries sometimes install their industry in other undevoloped countries in order to pollute less their country and to have cheaper workforce. People from this undevolped countries who work in this industries, normaly work a lot of hours and in really bad conditions and for a low salary. We have to change all these things and be more responsable with the enviroment. 


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