dijous, 17 d’abril del 2014

Flies can monoeuvre like fighter jet

New research shows that a threat comes into view fruit flies make split-second turns reminiscent of those made by fighter jets. High speed videos revealed the subtle wing movements that enable them to make the split-second "blank" turns in order to evade attack. 
One of the researchers, Prof Michael Dickinson of Washington University in Seattle said that the aim of the research was to learn more about how flies process visual information. These flies do a precise and fast calculation to avoid a specific threat and they are doing it using a brain that is aslittle as a grain of salt. The researchers captured the flight to fruit flies in a purpose built cage using three high  speed cameras. They frightened the flies by flashing up an imagine of a looming predator and observed closely how the flies change course. 

I believe that all these experiments are really interesting. I really like all matters related with the science, all the experiments. I think that is a way to learn more about the world because there are a lot of things hidden in the nature that there are in front of our eyes but we can't see them clearly. We need time and pay more attention to everything in the world because everything has something new to teach us. 


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