dijous, 17 d’abril del 2014

World must end "dirty" fuel use - UN

A long-awaited UN report on how to curb climate change says the world must rapidly move away from carbon-intensive fuels. Natural gas is seen as a key bridge to move energy production away from oil and coal. But there have been battles between participants over who will pay for this energy transitions. The report is the work of the UN's Intergovernamental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which was set up to provide a clear scientific view on climate change and its impacts. The Summary for Policymakers on migration paints a picture of a world with carbon emissions rising rapidly. 
It's a fact that all our world is changing and this is brought about all the contamination that our produce with we activities day by day. We have to reduce all these activities or do it by means of a way less polutting. The plants are dying everyday and we die with them if we don't change our customs. We need to find a solution in order to keep our pace in life. I believe in the change. 


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