diumenge, 11 de maig del 2014

Formal Letter

128 Olivera Street
4th April 2014
Mr President, Rajoy
428 Carmençó street

Dear Mr President,

I am Marina Salinas and I am writing to you to express my opinion about the abortion law.
I think that we are going back in time, this law was abolished a long time ago, when society understood that women had rights as men. I believe that it is very sad that this law will be accepted one more time in the 21st century because in my view, women can decide about their bodies and nobody can take this right away.

We are talking about human rights, they can not be violated, so as a women I talk with experience because when I was 16 I get pregnant and I could abort. When I look back and think if I could not do this, my life would be distroyed, with 16 one does not know anything about life yet.

Yours sincerily;

Marina Salinas

dissabte, 10 de maig del 2014


When you were here before             Quan tu estaves aqeí abans
couldn't look you in the eye              no vaig poder mirarte als ulls
you're just like an angel                    Ets com un àngel
your skin makes me cry                     La teva pell em fa plorar
you float like a feather                      Flotes com una ploma
in a beautiful world                           En un món preciós
i wish i was special                           Desitjaria ser especial
you're so fuckin' special                    Tu ets tan especial
but i'm a creep, i'm a weirdo.           Però sóc estrany, sóc rar
what the hell am i doing here?        Que dimonis faig aquí?
i don't belong here.                          Jo no pertanyo aquí
I don't care if it hurts                         No m'importa si fa mal
i want to have control                       Jo vull tenir el control
i want a perfect body                        Vull un cos perfecte
i want a perfect soul                         Vull una ànima perfecte
i want you to notice                          Vull que te n'adonis
when i'm not around                        Quan jo no sigui per aquí
you're so fuckin' special                   Ets tan especial
i wish i was special                          Desirtjaria ser especial
But i'm a creep, i'm a weirdo.          Però sóc estrany, sóc rar
what the hell am i doing here?       Que dimonis faig aquí?
i don't belong here.                         Jo no pertanyo aquí
She's running out again,                 Ella corre un altre cop
she's running out                             Ells surt corrents
she's run run run running out...       Ella corre, corre, corre...
Whatever makes you happy            Qualsevol cosa que et faci feliz
whatever you want                          Qualsevol cosa que desitgis
you're so fuckin' special                  Ets tan especial
i wish i was special...                      Desirtjaria ser especial
But i'm a creep, i'm a weirdo,         Però sóc estrany, sóc rar
what the hell am i doing here?       Que dimonis faig aquí?
i don't belong here.                         Jo no pertanyo aquí
i don't belong here.                         Jo no pertanyo aquí

divendres, 9 de maig del 2014

Falling in love

Nowadays, teenagers, above all people arround eighteen years old, are more mature than younger generations because we have more experiemce in feelings.
One of these feelings is to be in love. In general, we have the view that love always brings us happiness, for example: we are more happy, we give and recieve love, we have the confiance that th other person will always be with us. In ahort, we always have a reason to go on:
However, not everything is positive, love has a lot of troubles. Firstly, the other person can distract us of our way. Secondly, it could be that one in the couple depends on the oter member and this fact can decrease your self steem.
To sum up, we need to know our feelings and have there clear so as not to destroy us. If we can do this, we can enjoy the most beautiful feeling. 

dijous, 17 d’abril del 2014

Little story

Hello Pat, I'm Judith. I'm writting this note to you to say that I have lost the sunglasses that you lent me the other day. I think I left them in a café before going into the Dalis museum. 
I want to apologise because I know that you love this sunglasses. There are really nice, trully. I can get you another pair when I go to town.
Well I think that I lost your glasses yesterday, when I was visiting the Dalis Museum, I went with Sara. Before going into the museum we went to the bar and probably I forgot your sunglasses there. When I reallised that I wasn't wearing your sunglasses, I when back to this bar to ask for them, but they didn't know anything. 

World must end "dirty" fuel use - UN

A long-awaited UN report on how to curb climate change says the world must rapidly move away from carbon-intensive fuels. Natural gas is seen as a key bridge to move energy production away from oil and coal. But there have been battles between participants over who will pay for this energy transitions. The report is the work of the UN's Intergovernamental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which was set up to provide a clear scientific view on climate change and its impacts. The Summary for Policymakers on migration paints a picture of a world with carbon emissions rising rapidly. 
It's a fact that all our world is changing and this is brought about all the contamination that our produce with we activities day by day. We have to reduce all these activities or do it by means of a way less polutting. The plants are dying everyday and we die with them if we don't change our customs. We need to find a solution in order to keep our pace in life. I believe in the change. 


You can retire before your 40th birthday

We all dream of retiring early with a fantastic pension and no money worries. What counts as early retirement? In the United States, The average adult retires at 61 according to a Gallup poll. In Australia, men retire within the last five years were 61.5 to 63.3, on average, and women were 59.6, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics. Whereas in Japan, the average worker retires at 69.1, and in Luxembourg, the average retirement age is 57.6, according to the Paris-based Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. But in some countries, like India, for instance, where two-thirds of the population is 35 or younger, this, more youthful working population has its goal set to retire earlier at 45 or 50.
Early retirement becomes an impossible dream for many people purely because they didn't plan it early enough. 

I think that it's a good idea to retire before your 40th birthday because in our civilization even though it's early, we can do a lot of things yet. I consider that people from 40 or 50 are young enough and have a lot experiences to live, they are alive. It's the best time to go away, to visit a lot of places and know new cultures and languages. If I have enough money when I am 40, I want to do it. I believe that it's a way of quality life. 


I have lived underwater

Living underwater is seen by some as futuristic utopia, but what's it actually like? Rose Eveleth asks a man who eats, works ans sleeps on the sea floor.The idea of living underwater is often brought up as a possible future for humanity. Some have proposed submerged settlements as a way to preserve civilisation in the event of a global catastrophe, or to avoid overpopulation. Meanwhile, developers are alredy planning submerged hotels in locations including Maldives, Dubai, Singapore and Norway. These developments may one day live up to the romantic notions many have of life beneath the waves, but what's it like to live underwater today?

I was reading this piece of news and... Well I was really surprised that probably, in a future not very far, we can live underwater. The last summer I went to a centre of diving and it was amazing. I can't imagine living day by day underwater. It has to be really exciting. I hope one day I can visit a house underwater and spend a little time there, not forever, but one day or two it would be good. I hope that technology lead us to these new possibilities of life. 


Flies can monoeuvre like fighter jet

New research shows that a threat comes into view fruit flies make split-second turns reminiscent of those made by fighter jets. High speed videos revealed the subtle wing movements that enable them to make the split-second "blank" turns in order to evade attack. 
One of the researchers, Prof Michael Dickinson of Washington University in Seattle said that the aim of the research was to learn more about how flies process visual information. These flies do a precise and fast calculation to avoid a specific threat and they are doing it using a brain that is aslittle as a grain of salt. The researchers captured the flight to fruit flies in a purpose built cage using three high  speed cameras. They frightened the flies by flashing up an imagine of a looming predator and observed closely how the flies change course. 

I believe that all these experiments are really interesting. I really like all matters related with the science, all the experiments. I think that is a way to learn more about the world because there are a lot of things hidden in the nature that there are in front of our eyes but we can't see them clearly. We need time and pay more attention to everything in the world because everything has something new to teach us. 


IPCC scientists accused of "marginalising" poor nations

Climate scientists meeting in Berlin have been accused of "marginalising" the view of developing countries. The are preparing to realease a key report on how the world must cut carbon emissions to stem dangerous warming. The narrative, the language, the views of IPCC still marginalises the developing country perspectives. Dr. Okereke believes that there has been a fundamental shift in the discussions because the issue of historical responsability for carbon emissions has been watered down by richer national who are more concerned with the future that the past. 
The argument has been shifting away from the view that the developed countries, who have been mainly responsible for the problem, should take leadership in solving it, to this centre-ground view that we are all in it together and we all have to do our share.

In my view, we have to reduce all the contaminating emitions because is the better fot the world. Developed countries sometimes install their industry in other undevoloped countries in order to pollute less their country and to have cheaper workforce. People from this undevolped countries who work in this industries, normaly work a lot of hours and in really bad conditions and for a low salary. We have to change all these things and be more responsable with the enviroment. 


The Right to Education

One of the most important rights, for me, is the right to education. I think that a person with knowledge is more apreciated than another without. The education makes us better persons because besides theorical elements also teach us ways to behave. Without education we would be living in a continued war without rules.
Education is the base to get a good job and make people be equal and everybody starts from the same point. We have to fight for keep this right independently of the class or economic situation. In this way we can eliminate discrimination and fix a better quality.


Ebola News

The number of people believed to have been killed by the Ebola virus in Guinea it's over 100. It was one of the most challenging Ebola outbreaks that the World Health Organitzation has to ever had to deal with. The virus has now killed 101 people in Guinea and 10 in Liberia. Ebola is spread by close contact and kills between 25% and 90% of its victims. 
Southern Guinea is at the epicenter of the outbreak. The geografical spread of the outbreak is thought to make it particulary challenging to contain.

This news caught my attention because it is thought to be one of the most dangerous diseases, and it's one of the most dangerous because it doesen't have medical care. I hope that one day someone finds a solution to this desease that is killing a lot of people. 


dijous, 3 d’abril del 2014


Nowadays in the Spanish cities there are plenty of protests. In the last years Spain has gone frombad to worse, politically speaking, and for this reason people protests and show their discontent. Every day there are, all kinds of people, young and old going round with protest slogans witten on placards protesting on the streets. 
I believe that this is a good way to express the displeasure of the workers and students that day by day are suffering cut backs from the politics. I am upset with all the measures concerning with education because, as time passes, our opportinities to accede to university or find work are decreasing and it's really frustrating see how all your work is for nothing. 
I would like to go to some pacific demostrations and see how people try to fight for their rights, find people who fight together for the same reason and thinks, more or less, like you do. In my view I believe that must be a really good experience and really conforting. 

New Technologies

I am really surprised about the progress of the new technologies, few years before, if you needed information about whatever topic, you had to go to the library and look it up in some books, and probably none of these books had the information that you were searching for. 
Nowadays, If you need information, you only need a mobile phone or any information system with internet. That's all! You can find out anything in a few minutes and if this information isn't useful, you can click on another page and search for more information.
I believe we are fortunate to be living at a time when information is so easy to find. In my view you never had enought knowledge because it was so difficult to find but today is much easier.

dimarts, 25 de març del 2014

Sweet 18

I think that birthdays are the one of the best days in our live and, above all, when you are 18 years old. In my view, when you reach the legal age, you have more responsabilities than you realize. For example: you have freedom, you can go to prison, you can drink legally, you can be independent... To sum up, eighteen is a year to begin to mature and get a lot of responsabilities, an age for changes,  really big changes. 
My birthday was last week, the 13th March, and I can't see any changes but I can feel it. This year and, above all, next year, I have to decide a lot of things that could mark my life. For example, if I am going to live in Girona near the university or stay at home with my parents and travel everyday to the university. Which career to choose... Many things which I have undecided at this very moment. 
An idea came to me of doing a Gap year to meet people, to meet myself, to know the world... But at the same time I think that I'm too toung to do that. Maybe in another year. 
To conclude this, I believe thats to be in the legal age is a road with plenty of ways and you have to choose the best for you. 


The world is a fascinating place with a lot of special and magic places. Every country is another little world with different characteristics and with different people, for this reason I want to find a job which allows me to travel a lot. 
I would like to travel to different places, above all, places with different culture, gastronomy and customs because I find it interesting to see how other people see the world, their way to understand it... There are a lot of things to know and the best way to do it is by traveling and traveling. Travel is the best wayto acquire knowledge, experiences and to know interesting people. For me, is exciting when someone shows me a photo with a fantastic landscape... Well, it's amazing for me. I can be hours looking it and wishing to go there.
Well, as I said, the world is fascinating and magic. 

divendres, 28 de febrer del 2014

The Grand Mother's Remedies

KEY WORDS: principal active (principi actiu)

Nowadays we are in a civilitzacion where medicines are really important to live well and to promise the good progress of our species. The work includes information about the beginning of medicine and how it has developed from the past to the present. 
The objectives of this research project was to learn if the medicinal plants have a real curative use and in this case, what medicine carry in the composition the same principal active and if both have the same use. 
This research project collected and presented, in a organized way, the different type species of plants used from the citizen of Castellóe d'Empúries, the most popular way to preparing the medicine plants, which parts they used and finally for which diseases they used utilize.

divendres, 31 de gener del 2014


Hello, good morning I’m Judith Sevillano and I’m going to talk about my research work called: The Grands mother’s remedies. 
At first It wasn’t clear witch topic to choose to do my research work. I only knew that I wanted to be something to do with biology because is one of my favorite subjects and related to what I would like to do in the future. Looking through some different proposers of biology department I came across this topic “the grand mother’s remedies”.  
The objective of my work were the following:
  •  Find out wich plants were used as medicinal plants.
  • Look for information to get to know the most used plants and its active principals. 
  • To check to see if the composition in some of the present medicine include some of these plants. 
My biggest problem was to find out people who could still remember the remedies that their ancestors used and how they mixed and prepared them. I structured my work in the following way.
  • Pytotherapy: The finality of this work was to use this medicinal plants for curative purposes and in this way to have a good base to develop later on the rest of the work. 
  • Plants used in the municipality of Castelló d’Empúries: In here we find a table where there are all the plants used by the citizens of Castelló. Inside those we will find the corresponding graphics.
  • The most use plants: Among the most used plants are: Elder, Thyme and Verbena.
  • Preparation: Among the most uses preparation were:         
  • Preparation step by step: here is where I explain step by step each one of this preparation
  • Uses: In this case there are multiple but one of the main ones if for cough.
  • The most used parts: are leaves and flowers.
  • Technical file for the plants: In this file we will find the five most use plants in this municipality. Where you will find the history of their use, with a small description of active principals and the use in the present moment.
  • Traditional and present use: In this file I have compared the use with where given by the village women and the way that the medicine I use in the actuality. 
  • Conclusion: At last, the conclusions. The pytotherapy has been losing importance through the times as the science has develop greatly and the methods of healing have changeMany of medicine plants, nowadays aren’t use but it is evident that without the knowledge of our ancestors we wouldn’t have arrived to the present medicinal conclusions. 

In general I think that everything went pretty well. I was quite nervous at the beginning but through the time I ended relaxed. I have always tried to look to the public and focus well my voice. I hope they likeed and whch have not been bored. 

diumenge, 12 de gener del 2014

Peces Raros

Peces Raros is a music rock band from Argentina. I know about them because I knew some of the members personaly. The members of Peces Raros are: Gabi Chacon, Lucio Consolo, Benja Riderelli and Marco Viera.  This band is just begning, they are starting from bottom but I'm sure that they will soon reach the top. I know that they work very hard to achieve their dream and all of their efforts will be rewarded. 
I know Marco and Benja. Marco was the first that I knew, he came here with two more friends two years ago. They were on holliday and I met him by chance, because he stopped me to ask where the beach was. From there we became very good friends and nowadays we are still in contact. 
With Benja was different, he came here with his familly and he decided to met me because Marco spoke really good about me and he wanted to meet me. I could only see him one day, but it was a great day.
In general, It was a great experience to know them and I hope that one day I can go to see them in Argentina because there are really good people.


This year I went with my family to Venecia on holiday. Our first impression was that Venice looked like a maze because the streets are really narrow. When we arrive it was approximately 8 o'clock in the evening and it was dark, we didn't know where we had to go and it was really difficult to find the hotel. 
In general I liked everithing I visited there. There are a lot of nice and historic monuments and the gondoliers make it seem that you are in another era. 
The most typical things in Venice are the venetian masks, all the shops have them, some of them are really singular but very nice. 
I would like to go there again and spend more time seeing all the things we missed.

Christmas Time

The best time in the year for mi is Christmas Time. I like Christmas because is the perfect excuse to be with all the familly together. I love all the lunches and dinners with all the familly. My cousin is left-handed and I am right-handed, so when we eat next to each other we get in each other's way. We do it on purpose and we race to see who finishes eating first.
It's beautiful to see all the family together and happy. What I like most is to see my little cousins, specialy when some of us dress up as Santa Claus and give them their presents. It's magical.
I really like this time because eaven if it is only for a few days people get together.

Rheumatiod Arthritis

A team of reserchers have found more than 40 new areas in DNA that increase the risk of rheumatoid arthritis. This work is one of the most important ever done. The investigation was made with 30.000 patients and the results were compared with other people not affected with this disorder and were found 42 affected areas that were linked with the disease. The most fascinating for me is that the article say that drugs can be developed to compensate for these problems. 
They believe in the possibility of using the genetics to find other new medicines for complex diseases. 

I hope that all this investigation can be useful to find the cure for this disease and others. I'm really interested in all that refes to medicine and above all genetics. 

70s and 80s games online

The classic 70s and 80s games have become fashionable again. Internet Archive has put these games online and now can be played within a web browser for nothing. The collection has launched  games from five consoles at the moment they haven't got a sound but soon they will introduce sound. 
In the comming months the collection will expand greatly. Make accessible to the world these vintage games allows the enjoyment of those who coudn't enjoy them at that moment. 

In my view I believe that this is a really good proposal to approach young people, that now thery are very interested in all types of video games, from the beginings of all this technology. It's interesting to see how technology has improved in a few years.

Hobbit beats Wolf at US Box Office

The Hobbit has remained a third week on top of the US box office despite competition from The Wolf Of Wall Street. This film has been led by Sherlock Martin Freeman and Benedict Cumberbatch. 
The film took 30 millon dollars during the week and 190 million dollars at the weekend.
Martin Scorsese's Wolf of Wall Street was the biggest new release, at five. The black comedy is based on stock broker Jordan Belfort's memoir. The protagonist of this film was Leonardo DiCaprio. Even so, (not raised) as much money as in Hobbit. 
It's normal for me that the Hobbit got more money than Wolf of Wall Street because Hobbit it's related with The Lord Of The Rings and these films have always a lot of following has it didn't raise.

Michael Schumacher "fighting for life" after ski accident

Michael Schumacher, the seven-time Formula 1 champion, is fighting for his life after a ski accident in the French Alps.
Michael Shumacher remains in a critical conditions in a hospital in Grenoble with head injuries. He underwent surgery on arrival at the University Hospital in Grenoble. Schumacher still is in a coma. "All we can do is wait" doctors say.
When I heard this news, I coudn't believe it. Wherever I listen to something bad happening to someone famous is hard to believe because they are people who don't seem real, and nothing should go wrong with them but in reality they are people like us and suffer in the same way as we do.
I just hope that he recovers and he is able to race again.

Chaparrastique Volcano

Thousands of people in eastern El Salvador are leaving their homes after a volcano erupted on Sunday morning. Whoever that were within 3km radius would be evacuated because after the powerful explosion, the volcano began spewing hot ash and smoke into the air. Temporaly shelters are being set up in the area.
Chaparrastique is the third highest volcano in the country.

Volcanoes are one of the most amazing phenomena for me. There are many types of them and their explotions are different depending on the type and composition. 
I would like to see one but thery are really destructive and if you don't know what are their effects you could suffer their terrible consequences. I hope someday to see one of these nearer.

Breast Implants

Every breast operation in England shall be entered in a new register. This mesure has been taken by the new alarm over sub-standard PIP implants. There are fresh efforts to regulate and end the era of "win a boob-job" competition. 
All this began in France when the French company Poly Implant Prothese sold faulty implants containing sub-standard silicone gel with double the rupture rate of other implants. This caused a huge scandal because more than 300000 women took them implanted. 
With all these, I just arrive to a conclution: I would only have this operation if it was strictly necessary, if I had breast cancer or another disorder. I think that I woudn't have an operation just for esthetics. I am whatever I am and I don't want to change it.